Rigby Cattle Company

Rigby Cattle Co. is owned by Michael and Jennifer Rigby together with our 2 children (Jentrey and Thomas). The ranch is located in Indianola, UT a small community in Central Utah. Our families have been in the Cattle industry ever since they homesteaded in the Sanpete Valley.
I got my start at the age of 9. When my grandfather gave me a steer for a 4-H project. I took the steer to a local show and won 1st in class and 6th over all. Following the sell of my steer I was able to buy two Simmental calvy, cows. After giving one to my grandpa I started my own herd with other one. This was the beginning of Rigby Cattle Co. I grew up learning everything I could from the side of my Grandfathers.
Jenny grew up on a Dairy Farm and loved the cattle industry. Jenny and I were married in 2003. We both knew we wanted to continue to raise our children with the same values and lifestyle we grew up with. We started leasing Jenny’s family farm, when Jenny’s dad died suddenly a year after we were married. Jenny’s mom offered to sell us the farm so we bought it and have never looked back. We decided we needed more cows if we were going to make this work.
This is when we went down to Gib Yardley fall cow sale with intentions of buying more Simmental cows. After looking around we fell in love with the Maine and Maintainer cows. The disposition of the Maine breed and the maternal value are second to none. We have been using them ever since.
At Rigby Cattle Company we have always believed in the value of hard work and honesty. We stand behind our cattle because there will always be a need for performance cattle.
Michael and Jenny Rigby